
What is captaincy? For many years I thought that being a captain meant you have to be the best player in the team, but ever since I started playing frisbee at MIS I began to understand that being a captain means so much more. There are a lot of roles played by the captain. The captain isn’t just someone who makes a game plan and tells he’s team what to do, a captain is the person who is supposed to be the most vocal on and off the field, a captain isn’t a person who bosses he’s team around, a captain is someone who leads he’s team to victory. Being a captain isn’t a responsibility it is a honor.


I wasnt very fond of poetry when I was younger, but as I got older I started understanding the meaning held withing those poems and I started to take interest in the topic. One of the poets who’s writing has really caught my eye is Pablo Neruda. Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet diplomat and politician who won the 1971 Nobel prize in literature.

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; So I love you because I know no other way than this; where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.”-Pablo Neruda. The first time I heard this poem was when I saw a movie which featured Robin Williams. The name of the movie is Patch Adams. It is a really interesting movie which I recommend to everyone.

And ill bid my farewell with a quote “My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.”

French class

Language classes, boring but helpful. My third year in French class and I got to learn a lot. We have a rule in language class where we are not allowed to take notes during class. At first I did not understand such a absurd concept, but as the years went by I slowly began to understand that we rely on notes so much that we don’t even understand what we learn. Don’t get me wrong taking notes is not a bad thing, but I believe that actually listening and asking your friends for help is way better because it actually allows you to communicate with other students rather then just reading it off your book.

USP global!!!

If you guys read my previous posts I mentioned that Kritish gave us a online course to take on USP global. The course last for about 6 weeks and then we have a test. Right now we are on our 4th week so far the experience has been really good. I’ve been sharing my ideas with other students around the world and getting ideas from other students as well it’s been so much fun. Just last week I learnt about compound interest and I think I’m starting to understand most of it.


So finally I came up with a idea for my technology project. At first I couldn’t come up with anything cause like I wanted to built everything but in 9 weeks I don’t think that’s possible so I came up with an idea to make a plane using materials such as paper, styrofoam, tape and many other stuff. Kritish thought making a plane isn’t good enough and I completely understood his point so I came up with a challenge for myself and the challenge is that I will make the plane glide at least 30m. Pretty much up to this point I have designed the plane but i don’t know how to make it glide for 30m and the project is due week 10.

Frisbee and skipping!!!…..

On Tuesday my class had to teach the pod 6s frisbee and I had to teach the pod 9s skipping it was kind of boring because my entire class left and I was all alone but I’m not gonna lie the pod 9s are actually cool we had fun I got the prepared for robin and every week we keep including a new set so last week was 4 sets and this week was 5 sets. After I finished teaching them skipping I quickly ran to the grounds and we all played frisbee together with Mrs Koroi it was really fun. Today is Thursday so we are gonna have frisbee which is amazing but now I don’t think I could really run fast anymore not like the rest of my class so I have dedicated myself in being the defender cause I like defending and I just hope we all have fun cause at the end of the day it’s all about having fun.

Week 4 2020

So today is the first day of the week and it is already starting to get tiring. Robin gave us 6 projects to do for English and today we found out that Yohani is giving us some more. It’s not a bad thing English has been going good for me I’m about to finish reading the Artemis fowl book which was one of the 3 books we had to read so that’s pretty good. Ohhh yea and the pod 10s have been assigned on doing organization this year so we all have decided to have a chess competition sometime in week 6 or week 7. We also planned on organizing a teachers vs students frisbee match and we also have a very nice surprise in mind aswell so that’s gonna be a surprise.


So today Kritish introduces us to a new site called Schoology. So first we had to set up a account and then he gave us a quiz which was so hard. Elton didn’t complete the quiz because we only have two attempts at it and he used more than two attempts so that was super funny. I somehow managed to finish the quiz although I know I didn’t get all correct I’m waiting for the result after Kritish marks my answers. And today is a Thursday so everyone is excited for frisbee and the pod 9s joined us so yay more people!!!


Today while I was doing my USP global course I came across a very interesting riddle that no one could answer not even Kritish. The riddle was the day before yesterday I was 25 and next year I’ll be 28 my birthday comes once in a year what day is my birthday. I’m not gonna lie I had no clue at all about this but then we all thought about and we said it’s a wrong question but than we realized that no the question isn’t wrong we are wrong so that we eventually after 30minutes got the answer. If u guys think you know what the answer is please put it in the comments and we will see if your correct. Theres a high chance you won’t get this but hey we didn’t get it either without Kritish’s help.


Today was the day that the tickets went on sale for the avengers movie. I’m so excited because I already bought 5 tickets for the movie. Yesterday kritish have us lots of work to do for no good reason 🤔. He made us do 5 chapters of signpost although it was hard but we managed to do 3 chapters and I am confident that I’ll will finish the rest by next wk😁😁😁.